Yesterday Facebook announced a series of changes to their Newsfeed algorithm.  Anytime this happens there is a natural push back from business worried that their tactics will no longer be effective.  Like Baiting, Spammy Links and Duplicate content will all be scaled back.  The complete list sounds scary to some but the majority of Pages will be completely fine.

First, a bit of context. Many of these spammy stories are published by Pages that deliberately try to game News Feed to get more distribution than they normally would. The vast majority of publishers on Facebook are not posting feed spam, so should not be negatively impacted by these changes. If anything, businesses may see a very small increase in News Feed distribution.

What this does affect is create More Opportunity to be seen in the Newsfeed both organically and with a variety of Ad Units.  Clearing out the crap just makes your Page stand out more.   A lot of changes to Facebook are ultimately designed to juice more money out of advertisers but every time there is a change the platform also tends to become a much more effective ad medium.   Matchnode’s opinion is BRING ON THE CHANGE.